Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Finally Mercy ties the knot with her Prince

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is in a Name

So, after this morning I thought I'd actually put smthn up. Then I remembered my one time dive into the literary world. Suffice to say, it did not work out. I have never gotten the concept of literature. Sure, I understand the words but when it comes to lookn for deeper meanings, those are lost to me. A sonnet, a poem, a dirge; I just know how to spell the words. I used to roll my eyes at people who found their escape into art and literature. I used to think anyone could do it. As it turns out, not every one can. And for that, kudos to people who can whatever form they can express themselves...I just to be irritated of u then it moved to jealousy and now I have grown to appreciate what you do..

To end this post; I'd add a little of my attempt at being all literary... Its called;

What's in a Name
What is in a name if not an identity;
A name that solidify's a face,
A name which in recent times can be bought or stolen.

What is in a name if not an identity;
A name that can be an asset or liability,
A name which has bn ridiculed in times past.

What is in a name if not an identity;
A name that brings goosebumps to the skin,
A name which causes fear or joy in the hearts of those who recognize it.

What is in a name,
If not what you make of it...


Sucks small abi?? I know x_x

Signing out
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Sunday thoughts

*grasping at air for inspiration*

I've got nothing... Let's try this again...

I am trying really hard not to throw in the towel and give into my "fake" writer's block or just keep writing. There are so many things going on in my mind right now and I'm not sure exactly what I should focus on. Is it about the almost argument I had withsomeone on bbm this morning or the breakfast I had no appetite for. From thinking about how I'm planning to make my hair to looking for a new meaning to life; my mind is boggled. Sometimes I wish I could snap my fingers and just make my mind blank. A blank mind means I have no worries, my heart isn't racing 140km/sec and as jolly as a palmwine tapper.

Writing this post as I sit in church (yes, church and no, I am not bored), my foremost thoughts are all muddled togther and its difficult to pin's one: I wish I had super powers; should I go on? Yup, I didn't think so either. Just this moment I am thinking about the movie I hit record on back home and what time I'll have to watch it. I am soooo distracted.

Today's sunday school teaching is just going over my head. I can't even multi-task even if I tried. Good thing the class is lively enough to draw attention away from my person....

What is the point of this post?? I have no idea. ¯\_(•_•)_/¯

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's love got to do with it

I wonder if any of all this is worth it...

Because being in love or in a relationship leaves the heart open to both happiness and sadness. The extent of both is determined by the partners involved.

How do you recognise a healthy and happy relationship? Beats me... Still trying to figure that one out.

At first I thought it was when the couple in itself was happy but that theory was a bust. Case in point: yetunde and tobi are happy by most people's standards. They took pictures with each other, went everywhere with each other. Everyone thought "wow, golden couple". Until the rumours started to spread that yetunde wore the pants in the relationship and tobi was EMASCULATED (not literaryly) . The end of the relationship saw the two of them throwing words at each other.

Then I thought a healthy relationship was that which involved giving and being appreciated. That theory is a bust too. Case in point; adeyemi and kola were "the apple of each others eyes". Aside spending so much time with each oda, they would shower each oda wt gifts; no occasions necessary. As it turned out, Yemi started keeping scores of all the things she's ever done for kola and the arguments started. " I bailed u out of lock up" ; "well I paid for the repairs on your car"; "I gave up school so I could keep our child"... You can imagine how that story ended. Right: Not GOOD

I thought a healthy relationship was one dt would be a God fearing one: big YIMU! tobi was a semi devoted chirstian (you know those types, the ones hu r xtian only by mouth; ehen yes) and he felt maybe going out with. Christian girl will turn his sour luck around. Going out with Bisi was a blast! first until it came to the important stuff. Sure she encouraged him spiritually and how he needed to focus but you know the saying "spirit willing, body weak"... Tobi couldn't handle d fact that he was going out wt this hawt smart babe and he couldn't tap that.

A healthy relationship doesn't mean a relationship that has seen a lot of trials and the couple still stuck together. That can either be stupidity or stupidity. Yes, I said stupidity twice. A healthy relationship isn't one that has the best of convenience either. Neither is it a relationship that has both parties being immature about their love for each cs that can only lead to obsession.

sitting in the car, waiting for my baby brother to come out of his class, I ask myself: so what is true love or a healthy relationship? Let me get back to you on that...


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Sunday, July 10, 2011

NYSC jitters

so last weekend I went my friend's house. Roy had just told me she'd gotten her ☎ up letter and I went over to take a look at it. Looking at the formal document made it all that much more real. To catch criuse I took a picture of it and put it up on bbm as my own ☎ up letter (my posting wouldn't be till november) as my display picture. The responses I got from people had me rolling my tongue and shaking with laughter. From responses like "oluwa seun!!!" to " are you for real??" to "its a lie jor". They kept coming in. To some of em, I kept the act up, to others I told it was just a joke. That being said(written)...

Next stop after school is usually youth service and so on and so forth (sheeet!! Am starting to lose interest in ds piece again. Lai lai, *keep it together babe*). Stories keep coming as to how the camps are, from sanitation to the types of people. Three weeks!!! Am sure it'd feel like forever. Then there's the rest of the year to look forward to. Its meant to be an exciting experience; meet new people, do new things, try out various things...

Its still three months before I can actually say for a fact what dt experience would feel like. How I would cope? Through the misery of the camp to the independent bliss of being removed from underneath the thumb of my parents.

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*blank stare*

She had never felt more alone and confused. Her emotions running rampant as she tried to sort through her feelings and make some sense of all the craziness. Remembering that writing always made her feel better; she picked up her note pad and with a pen in her hand, she began:

Dear Diary,
I see myself through the eyes of no one when right now, all I wanna do is have an out of body experience. When family and your decisions don't mix, what do you do? Do you please your family at the extent of your own unhappiness or do you take the selfish way of sticking to your decision to move ahead with your plans while making your family unhappy. Given the type of background I have, religion and culture-wise, being the good girl and making other people happy has always been my priority. Back to my "challenge"...
If I go my own way, I will be happy eventually but I don't think I can ever be truly happy when I know I am the reason for someone's unhappiness. Yes, I have heard that I should do what I feel is right and damn the consequences. I have also tried the praying routine, pushing all my worries n burden to him, it didn't work. I don't know if its cos am not strong enough or my faith wasn't large enough or maybe I got an answer but I wasn't really listening.
Now I have a decision to make; a decision that would either mend or make my situation keep drifting. As I realize that not everything can be left to the fates anymore...

Dropping her pen and replacing her notepad in d drawer, she stands up and takes a long look at her image in the mirror. Pout lips with heavy makeup and an outfit that left little or nothing to the imagination. Stepping out into the cold night, pushing her dilemma aside for the time being. It was time to get to work...

Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience centres

Saturday, July 9, 2011

time passes slowly...

*walks into the room stealth mode*
*looks around*

I know I haven't bn blogging as I used to (not as if I used to blog like dt) I have tot abt an excuse that I could write about but seems like they have all flown out of the window.. In the absence of any excuse, only the truth is left. I haven't stopped writing. I still write, only now, the passion to finish every time I start a new piece flares out even before I get half way. Some many pieces I have gotten only halfway and dumped to write smthn else.. I know, I tire for myself too. But am trying out smthn. Its still a work in progress and if it works out, you'll see it. A mesh of all my half inspired stories.

As usual, my posts won't be having any themes and most of them would be ramblings.. If you're lucky enough to understand them, then "tuale".

I bid you adios

*looks around one more time*
*exit: stage right*

Sunday, April 10, 2011

AlmOst at the EncOre

You only get caught unawares if you had no inkling that something would happen. There's no excuse of unpreparedness. A lot of people use it but it is never a good excuse. Like saying your flight check-in time is 4pm and head to the airport at 6pm. Or a student who knows exams are starting a certain date bt doesn't start reading till a few days before exam.
Am glad school's almost out..2 more weeks. That's like every students dream. In the beginning, it looked like forever and these last days feel like things are moving in fast forward. Am not complaining, in fact am super excited. Who wouldn't be, four years in a school dt prolly wasn't your first choice and u are almost at the end. *insert dancing smiley*
Am grateful to God, my parents for footing the bill, the new friends I made, the ones I lost inbetween and all the love I zapped from being in skl. A few pple tell me dt life really starts after school and I might want to wish I wasn't out of the university but I hope that won't be my portion. Leaving this school is to never look back and wish I never left *tufiakwa* ☺
After school, and with God's grace, I expect the next phase of my life to kick off with bliss and pleasure. Cs of Him, am not worried ☺
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience centres

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who I am

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jane Doe meets JErkyl and HYdE

This is the first of what I hope to make a series. Enjoy J

               Jane has never seen anything more amazing in her life. The rush of blood she gets from just being close enough gives her the energy boost she needs for the day. Each day, Jane finds a reason to walk past his office; just to get a look at that creamy chocolate dark-skinned marketing executive the company just hired. The 6ft 2’ broad shouldered executive whose seductive smile and bone structure just screamed “come and get me”. Yes, that same sexy embodiment of meat that has gotten the tongues of the female staff, both single and taken, twisted. The gist around the office about him being single just made the experience that much more thrilling. Bets were placed on who could get him into bed the fastest and if he was looking for a relationship. Strolling back to her office with a cup of hot cappuccino in hand, she walks with her head in the clouds and thinking about the lunch break when she’ll get to see Trey (as she calls his name over and over in her head) when he walks past her office on his way to the cafeteria. Back in her office, Jane smiles as she greets and collects her mail from the secretary. As she feigns looking through the mail and taking down notes in her daily planner; a closer look reveals Jane drawing hearts around the new marketing executive’s name. She thinks to herself “I will get him one way or the other”.
          Being one of those docile, by-the-book stereotypes; Jane could have passed beside any of the staff at Lawson Adevertising and wouldn’t get a second look. Not that no one didn’t know who Jane was, of cos they did; she was the only person at the firm who made others look bad when they don’t meet up with a deadline. Rumors have passed round the offices that she was a frigid bi**h who only gets off watching porn. But as all rumors went, no one dared confront her about any of this because truth be told, the probability of the story being true was slim to none. And as office hours went, Jane was a routine worker who worked on punctuality and promptness.
          Catching herself from another day dream involving Trey, Jane escorts her new clients out of the conference room and then experienced the closest thing she has ever had to an orgasm. Yep, the interlocked gaze of herself and the new executive. While in reality it may not have lasted for more than 5 seconds but to Jane, those five seconds felt like five hours. Five hours in which she fantasized about him getting out of his chair and walking over to the conference room; coming so close to her face that she couldn’t remember if she was breathing or was on his air support. His head slowly moving towards hers as she raised her face to meet his. Silently parting her lips in anticipation of his invasion, a soft moan slipped from her lips and the next thing she knew, she heard her secretary calling for her about an important phone call. Taking one last glance at his office before she moved forward, Jane knew from the look on Trey’s face that things were about to get interesting. She couldn’t wait.

There is definitely going to be a continuation… x

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a WEDNESday!!

Today started out okay. Well, no unusual what not's. Woke up wt a headache, said a prayer to Him bout it and I started to feel beta. Breakfast was uneventful. Then it was time to go out wt my siblings. I offered to be the designated driver cs, I'd rather be at the wheels of whichever vehicle am driving

So, our errands began. First we went to the "clothe shop" n that was where the first disaster happened. My sister was telling me to hurry up so we could gt the purchase over wt. In my hurry, I slammed the car door n I noticed dt half the wire of my earphones were on d ground wt the door shut. In a haste, I opened the door to take em and I shut the door again. All I heard next was a crack. Next thing I saw were the ear points right in-between the door. I couldn't cry. Instead I smashed the rest of it. I moaned the loss of my earphones a bit on twitter buh that was it... Kinda :))

Anyways, we went to the shop which was on the top floor of an ancient shopping complex. On gttn there, we discovered that we couldn't make our purchase because apparently the store was taking an audit of it's stock #dead I know. So not only did I lose my earphones, I couldn't get the Ankara I wanted to buy :(

So it was the tailor's place next. I was hoping I'd get my so much anticipated dress. Little did I know... {So, u should know that I hate being yelled at, it's the worst thing and meanest thing anyone can ever do to me}.

So after driving as smoothly as I can avoiding the other road users who always believe that they're always right, I get to a major "round about" and am stuck in d middle of the road. Granted, I did freeze for a sec and by the time I came to, it was a cab driver honking at me and still yelling at the top of his voice. It all happened so fast: I moved, buh then I dint move, and then I did and almost hit the car in front of me. I made the turn completely wtout any harm and just as I thought I was home free; a car blocks me and when I'd swerve left, the driver would do the same. After the whole back n forth, I realised that he might be the guy whose car I almost hit. So I packed the car and just sat there waiting for him to confront me. He steps out of his car(am so bad wt cars, I don't even know the make of it) and examines it. When he found out that there wasn't a scratch on it (at least not one the car I was driving would ve done), he just drove off without saying a word. I was shaky and all sad cs all my emotions were at the surface and almost bursting out.

(just looked at the time, was hoping I'd get this post up before 12am buh I doubt if I cn make it...)

I said we were headed to the tailors ryt? And we were, wt me still at the wheels. So we get to the tailors place and I have to park the car ( I know that while I can do a perfect parallel parking, I cnt do a random park :/) and all that, I was still trying to put a rein on my emotions. Putting all dt aside, I ask the tailor for my dress and she said it wasn't ready. FYI: she's had it since August!!! I was livid! Buh since I pile up my emotions, I just bottled it up.

Eventually, as usual, I convinced myself I couldn't keep allowing all the bad of the day get to me, so I sucked it up, put on my cheery face and that was it. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful after dt. I got to register my sim card at my network's office (I was burnt dt I dint gt the free airtime dt was promised in their messages) and oh yh, smthn :| happened... The guy who handled the whole registration thing made a pass at me. I wasn't sure if I should be ok wt it or insulted. So I just smiled and said "no problem". We'll see the result of dt as time goes.

I felt relieved when I finally drove the car into the compound of our house. Really felt like I was home. Lol. And the rest has just been as low key as can be wt just tv and good ol' family fun

Till later...xoxo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok... This post is just off the top of my head and i didn't think to edit any part of it out. Enjoy... Its been a long time since I have ever had a crush on any guy. and now I find out dt not only do I ve a crush on him,i have turned into a potential stalker overnight chi'mo!! My own haf be I didn't even know the crush existed until I started really lookin at wt he was doing. From the way he writes,i feel like I know him...(i should point out ere dt I don't even know wt he looks like). His tweets brings a smile to my face... I always want to reply everything he tweets buh for fear of being noted as a stalker,i can like to maintain myself. How is it possible for me especially to feel that way again,the fluttering in my stomach,the heart skipping and the rest of the works..i even took it a step further(yes,my very gd friend google),i found more about him,not what he looks like though but just more of him. I gt more than wt I'd ve found out on So I find out he has a blog too and he writes (p.s. He writes beautifully too #deepsigh) the most wonderful thing. In my eyes, everything he says or does will be wonderful. In my head,he's all I want but I doubt if he knows me...he will prolly think of me as a sweet person and be honoured that I have a crush on him,maybe tell a few of his friends,have a laugh about it Its because of this that I'll hold unto my star-struck thoughts of him and hope dt one day when he sees me,we'd have a laugh about this

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The Number Illiterate

The evening started out like just any other evening. Me being my perfectly optimistic self. I ventured unto twitter again and there was no stopping from there. it didn't exactly help that I had my laptop on most of the night..

I remembered my blog again and how i could make it different this time (try and keep up, I say this a lot). Then I decided to do a whole lot to improve it...especially after going through blogs like and #deepsigh. They became my motivation to improve on my blog tonight.

But u can imagine my surprise when I tried to do something about my template and I found a whole jumble of numbers and letters. I had a passing thought that if only I knew how to write programs, then my life and working on the blog would be so much better.

And then it hit me. GOOGLE… You gotta love Google... That search engine has made so much sense to me in the past few years than the stoopid textbooks i have been carrying around. Anyways, so i went on Google and I found the perfect template for my blog and that’s what am using now.

Feeling all giddy from the exhilaration and joy from discovering that... I just knew I had to write about it. 

Or isn’t that what this blog was created for???

My musings...xox

Monday, January 3, 2011

Its another One

i always seem to say that i want new changes.. i always say that i want to be me...i always say i want things to be different but so far, they haven't...

its another year and  while i did not make any new resolutions, i do believe that i have made those changes. well am different now, i want to keep being different. after a very long time, i find myself free. a whole lot free. i can breathe, think and do as i want.

so, as i watch one of my favorite tv show (Tinsel) and bask in my new found happiness i wish all my would-be readers a happy new year and may we all get our heart desires. mwaahs