Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's love got to do with it

I wonder if any of all this is worth it...

Because being in love or in a relationship leaves the heart open to both happiness and sadness. The extent of both is determined by the partners involved.

How do you recognise a healthy and happy relationship? Beats me... Still trying to figure that one out.

At first I thought it was when the couple in itself was happy but that theory was a bust. Case in point: yetunde and tobi are happy by most people's standards. They took pictures with each other, went everywhere with each other. Everyone thought "wow, golden couple". Until the rumours started to spread that yetunde wore the pants in the relationship and tobi was EMASCULATED (not literaryly) . The end of the relationship saw the two of them throwing words at each other.

Then I thought a healthy relationship was that which involved giving and being appreciated. That theory is a bust too. Case in point; adeyemi and kola were "the apple of each others eyes". Aside spending so much time with each oda, they would shower each oda wt gifts; no occasions necessary. As it turned out, Yemi started keeping scores of all the things she's ever done for kola and the arguments started. " I bailed u out of lock up" ; "well I paid for the repairs on your car"; "I gave up school so I could keep our child"... You can imagine how that story ended. Right: Not GOOD

I thought a healthy relationship was one dt would be a God fearing one: big YIMU! tobi was a semi devoted chirstian (you know those types, the ones hu r xtian only by mouth; ehen yes) and he felt maybe going out with. Christian girl will turn his sour luck around. Going out with Bisi was a blast! first until it came to the important stuff. Sure she encouraged him spiritually and how he needed to focus but you know the saying "spirit willing, body weak"... Tobi couldn't handle d fact that he was going out wt this hawt smart babe and he couldn't tap that.

A healthy relationship doesn't mean a relationship that has seen a lot of trials and the couple still stuck together. That can either be stupidity or stupidity. Yes, I said stupidity twice. A healthy relationship isn't one that has the best of convenience either. Neither is it a relationship that has both parties being immature about their love for each cs that can only lead to obsession.

sitting in the car, waiting for my baby brother to come out of his class, I ask myself: so what is true love or a healthy relationship? Let me get back to you on that...


Sent from my iPhone

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