Saturday, July 9, 2011

time passes slowly...

*walks into the room stealth mode*
*looks around*

I know I haven't bn blogging as I used to (not as if I used to blog like dt) I have tot abt an excuse that I could write about but seems like they have all flown out of the window.. In the absence of any excuse, only the truth is left. I haven't stopped writing. I still write, only now, the passion to finish every time I start a new piece flares out even before I get half way. Some many pieces I have gotten only halfway and dumped to write smthn else.. I know, I tire for myself too. But am trying out smthn. Its still a work in progress and if it works out, you'll see it. A mesh of all my half inspired stories.

As usual, my posts won't be having any themes and most of them would be ramblings.. If you're lucky enough to understand them, then "tuale".

I bid you adios

*looks around one more time*
*exit: stage right*

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