Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a WEDNESday!!

Today started out okay. Well, no unusual what not's. Woke up wt a headache, said a prayer to Him bout it and I started to feel beta. Breakfast was uneventful. Then it was time to go out wt my siblings. I offered to be the designated driver cs, I'd rather be at the wheels of whichever vehicle am driving

So, our errands began. First we went to the "clothe shop" n that was where the first disaster happened. My sister was telling me to hurry up so we could gt the purchase over wt. In my hurry, I slammed the car door n I noticed dt half the wire of my earphones were on d ground wt the door shut. In a haste, I opened the door to take em and I shut the door again. All I heard next was a crack. Next thing I saw were the ear points right in-between the door. I couldn't cry. Instead I smashed the rest of it. I moaned the loss of my earphones a bit on twitter buh that was it... Kinda :))

Anyways, we went to the shop which was on the top floor of an ancient shopping complex. On gttn there, we discovered that we couldn't make our purchase because apparently the store was taking an audit of it's stock #dead I know. So not only did I lose my earphones, I couldn't get the Ankara I wanted to buy :(

So it was the tailor's place next. I was hoping I'd get my so much anticipated dress. Little did I know... {So, u should know that I hate being yelled at, it's the worst thing and meanest thing anyone can ever do to me}.

So after driving as smoothly as I can avoiding the other road users who always believe that they're always right, I get to a major "round about" and am stuck in d middle of the road. Granted, I did freeze for a sec and by the time I came to, it was a cab driver honking at me and still yelling at the top of his voice. It all happened so fast: I moved, buh then I dint move, and then I did and almost hit the car in front of me. I made the turn completely wtout any harm and just as I thought I was home free; a car blocks me and when I'd swerve left, the driver would do the same. After the whole back n forth, I realised that he might be the guy whose car I almost hit. So I packed the car and just sat there waiting for him to confront me. He steps out of his car(am so bad wt cars, I don't even know the make of it) and examines it. When he found out that there wasn't a scratch on it (at least not one the car I was driving would ve done), he just drove off without saying a word. I was shaky and all sad cs all my emotions were at the surface and almost bursting out.

(just looked at the time, was hoping I'd get this post up before 12am buh I doubt if I cn make it...)

I said we were headed to the tailors ryt? And we were, wt me still at the wheels. So we get to the tailors place and I have to park the car ( I know that while I can do a perfect parallel parking, I cnt do a random park :/) and all that, I was still trying to put a rein on my emotions. Putting all dt aside, I ask the tailor for my dress and she said it wasn't ready. FYI: she's had it since August!!! I was livid! Buh since I pile up my emotions, I just bottled it up.

Eventually, as usual, I convinced myself I couldn't keep allowing all the bad of the day get to me, so I sucked it up, put on my cheery face and that was it. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful after dt. I got to register my sim card at my network's office (I was burnt dt I dint gt the free airtime dt was promised in their messages) and oh yh, smthn :| happened... The guy who handled the whole registration thing made a pass at me. I wasn't sure if I should be ok wt it or insulted. So I just smiled and said "no problem". We'll see the result of dt as time goes.

I felt relieved when I finally drove the car into the compound of our house. Really felt like I was home. Lol. And the rest has just been as low key as can be wt just tv and good ol' family fun

Till later...xoxo

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