Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Number Illiterate

The evening started out like just any other evening. Me being my perfectly optimistic self. I ventured unto twitter again and there was no stopping from there. it didn't exactly help that I had my laptop on most of the night..

I remembered my blog again and how i could make it different this time (try and keep up, I say this a lot). Then I decided to do a whole lot to improve it...especially after going through blogs like www.exschoolnerd.net and seye.blogspot.com. #deepsigh. They became my motivation to improve on my blog tonight.

But u can imagine my surprise when I tried to do something about my template and I found a whole jumble of numbers and letters. I had a passing thought that if only I knew how to write programs, then my life and working on the blog would be so much better.

And then it hit me. GOOGLE… You gotta love Google... That search engine has made so much sense to me in the past few years than the stoopid textbooks i have been carrying around. Anyways, so i went on Google and I found the perfect template for my blog and that’s what am using now.

Feeling all giddy from the exhilaration and joy from discovering that... I just knew I had to write about it. 

Or isn’t that what this blog was created for???

My musings...xox

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