Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jane Doe meets JErkyl and HYdE

This is the first of what I hope to make a series. Enjoy J

               Jane has never seen anything more amazing in her life. The rush of blood she gets from just being close enough gives her the energy boost she needs for the day. Each day, Jane finds a reason to walk past his office; just to get a look at that creamy chocolate dark-skinned marketing executive the company just hired. The 6ft 2’ broad shouldered executive whose seductive smile and bone structure just screamed “come and get me”. Yes, that same sexy embodiment of meat that has gotten the tongues of the female staff, both single and taken, twisted. The gist around the office about him being single just made the experience that much more thrilling. Bets were placed on who could get him into bed the fastest and if he was looking for a relationship. Strolling back to her office with a cup of hot cappuccino in hand, she walks with her head in the clouds and thinking about the lunch break when she’ll get to see Trey (as she calls his name over and over in her head) when he walks past her office on his way to the cafeteria. Back in her office, Jane smiles as she greets and collects her mail from the secretary. As she feigns looking through the mail and taking down notes in her daily planner; a closer look reveals Jane drawing hearts around the new marketing executive’s name. She thinks to herself “I will get him one way or the other”.
          Being one of those docile, by-the-book stereotypes; Jane could have passed beside any of the staff at Lawson Adevertising and wouldn’t get a second look. Not that no one didn’t know who Jane was, of cos they did; she was the only person at the firm who made others look bad when they don’t meet up with a deadline. Rumors have passed round the offices that she was a frigid bi**h who only gets off watching porn. But as all rumors went, no one dared confront her about any of this because truth be told, the probability of the story being true was slim to none. And as office hours went, Jane was a routine worker who worked on punctuality and promptness.
          Catching herself from another day dream involving Trey, Jane escorts her new clients out of the conference room and then experienced the closest thing she has ever had to an orgasm. Yep, the interlocked gaze of herself and the new executive. While in reality it may not have lasted for more than 5 seconds but to Jane, those five seconds felt like five hours. Five hours in which she fantasized about him getting out of his chair and walking over to the conference room; coming so close to her face that she couldn’t remember if she was breathing or was on his air support. His head slowly moving towards hers as she raised her face to meet his. Silently parting her lips in anticipation of his invasion, a soft moan slipped from her lips and the next thing she knew, she heard her secretary calling for her about an important phone call. Taking one last glance at his office before she moved forward, Jane knew from the look on Trey’s face that things were about to get interesting. She couldn’t wait.

There is definitely going to be a continuation… x

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