Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More babbling...#2

Had a couple of rough weeks and I wasn't able to blog...it wasn't so pretty...here's a lil of wt I was thinkin...

@13 april 2010
As I sit down to study,i wonder if this is all my life really is all about. As I try to fight sleep, I wonder if being a student is all dt its cracked up to b and I realise, its far much more than I can see.
I hurt a friend of mine today and I am deeply sorry about it buh I couldn't bring my mouth to tell ha wt she wanted to hear or wt did not seem ryt. I cannot lie to those I care about.
My conscience cannot take a lot of evil n wicked intentions. Buh I wonder,with all d drama and politics going on in this school,i find my self lost @ times... Time to head back to d books.

@15 april 2010
Why would this happen...after I had high hopes...why is this man trying to make me hate him after am tryin so hard not to.what did I do wrong in d midsemester dt I ve to score dt low.just after lamenting the grade I got in my last semester...wt hope am I supposed to ve for gttn an a in this course now... Its not fair!!and its nt as if am not tryin my best. I hate this...why is this whole tin tormenting me this way... I feel tears on d brim of my eyes and I feel like letting the tears flow...i noe I don't deserve this buh I will move on. Better to noe my mistakes now than in d exam hall...should ve known today won't be such a good day...I just wanna block out d world :-( :-( no one can help me... *sobbing inside*

Today @20 april 2010
The first was bout me gttn ready for d exams and tryin to get my study on and d second was bout me seeing one of my mid semester...i just noe dt d lecturer has done me a rili big strong tin

Anyways,am over all dt now...now chilling wt my babe and tryin to focus on d things ahead

xoxo... #teenager tryin to take over on d move. Lol

Monday, April 12, 2010

P33r pRes5u're

Ok,so I should start taking this blog things more seriously ryt?????? Anyways,bin a min...as usual so much has been happening buh really,whose life is as smooth as a baby's bum....yeah ryt
Am still tryin to be dt kid hu wants to be a major world market player and tryin to take over my world buh I always seem to get sidetracked. If its not friends,its books,if its not books,its family and d circle keeps on turning..
Sometimes I tire myself wt d effort I put up to make sure d superficial physical aspect of my life is still rockin...yh,i noe:peer pressure
I think to myself dt while I do not totally succumb to peer pressure,a lot of it still gets to me.i could bet a million dollars if I had em dt as u reading this,some oda babe is having my same line of thought and dt gives me comfort...
So I noe am still a rocking teenager tryin to take over my world... I still got time!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Me n my babbles: its easter

Ok,so I wrote this a while back buh guess ve been too busy to come put it up ere...my easter was sooo boring
I noe its d season my savior died and all dt buh this year things felt different...b4 I jump d gun,here's wt I been on so far

I noe its been a while since I wrote smthn..dnt mean I dint missed writing buh as my usual sayin goes,there's neva enough time. And lawd knows so much has happened in d past few days dt I wonder if my life is some kind of script n am d leading lady
I wanna stop nagging cs a second ago I was gonna write...skl is such a bore!!buh lets skip dt...
This weekend finally am outta skl!!i am sooo happy I left cs d chokehold in skl was gttn under my skin plus I think I just needed a break in my thoughts circulating over the same old things
Thankfully I can do dt @ home...staying @ home and conducting one of my favorite past times has made me realise dt I have actually changed!
To say whether the change is good or bad...dt I cannot be sure of buh I noe dt I can't change d past buh I sure as I can make do wt my present and my future.