Sunday, March 7, 2010


Woke up this morning to another semi argument. Me I dnt noe wt to do o. Isn't wt is good for the goose always good for the gander. I hate pointing fingers buh in this situation what can I do. I dnt wanna make things more difficult for us buh then again isn't it a two way thing.

Life jst messes wt wteva u ve in mind. Sometime I wish I cud be given the power to read people's mind cs Dts d concept dt I always find hard to grasp. U can only see the physical buh u can neva noe Wts goin on underneath. I wonder if the gd thots I ve r the kind dt r being reciprocated to me or if like the say...'there are (actually) two sides to a coin'

Buh then again, if I knew wt the oda person was thinkin...where would all the mystery be. I think trust is a concept we all try to gt a hold of alongside faith. Everyone is a result of some other person. We all need each oda buh wn disappointments happen, its d next thing to heartbreak. Other than that,there really isn't any other thing dt can be man's weakness aside emotions

**** crazed thoughts of a teenager trying to take on her world ****

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