Friday, January 8, 2010

My C0unTrY; mY Hom3

Its been over 45 days and My President has been outta the country. at first we were told that he had to go for him check-up (see he has this health issue)and usually when he goes; tops he's back after a few weeks buh this time around he's been gone over a month

soo many people have been giving ideas bout what is going on...some say that he's prob dead n they tryin to "cover" it up, some said he prob just ended in some coma.... cs of his absence, naija bein the country that it is...oh my days HAv3 people come up wt their own way to cov3r ther butts (sowi, behinds). news started spreading like wildfire that ther president was signing million dollar contracts and receiving some "special" visitors. guess the pple weren't satisfied with that just yet. we want to see our President... the dude dint evn hand over to his deputy >>>typical naija man<<<<

SiD3 JoK3: the V.P, thats Goodluck Jonathan was formally the deputy gov in one of the states until the first man in the state had to step down and Mr. Goodluck had to take over...
then it was time for the Presidential elections and our Mr. Goodluck decides to run for vice....see wts happenin now...the first man in Nigeria is AWOL.
M0ral L355on: neva trust someone wt d name Goodluck!!! LOL

My Mu5inGs:
Mr. President betta come back fast cs naija is a country thats still pretty much a baby and there is just that instilled greed in eacha nd every one us... am afraid if left alone...its preety much gonna be every man for himself. we got soo many problems, sooo little time. no one wants to do the dirty work... evn if a group of pple start; they get discouraged on the way and then what happens?

we end up in the same place where we started... But then again. what do i know... its just the musings of a teenager trying to take on the world!!! :-)

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