Monday, August 2, 2010

funny enough when i woke up this morning,i thought to myself... Oh snap!! July's over, August's beginning. Closer to school resumption. At first,i had happy feelings run through me and as the minutes ticked... I wasnt in the mood to think about school anymore. . .

I thought about wt the rest of the year would hold for me. So i decided to check my facebook homepage and i see lots of people with new month greetings as their status and am like: serz?????? Wts so frigging new bout d month?

Does dt mean the almost sad grades I got last semester would vanish or my problems would disappear or that that trip I have been wanting to take would actually happen. Suffice to say, this morning I had lost all hope there was to have in the spirit of the ''new month''i

But then that all had changed by the time I got back from church...

Church was fun today...eery one was in a gd mood and the pastor was his usual jovial self. At some point in time during his sermon,i started to doze off a bit buh I got it together after a while. And then I really listened to what he was sayin and I felt it was one of those messages that u'll feel were jst meant for you. That's how it felt.

The prayer session came and I felt smthn move within me... It was almost a force. I poured out my heart to God and I could feel the weight being pulled away from me..the residual sadness I was feeling was gone and I felt a whole lot lighter.

At the end of the prayer session, I was able to vouch for myself that it was the beginning or a new month and it is going to be a new beginning.

Happy new month


  1. Ok, so this is the third time I’m posting this comment, it had better work now :D

    God always has a way of showing u he’s there through it all! Happy New Month x
