Thursday, May 13, 2010

'give it up for the woman'

There's the saying about how women should feel empowered and be independent in their own ryt and I totally agree wt dt... We,women should be independent,we should be able to fend for ourselves. Buh at d same time I can voucher that eery woman won't mind living off a male's work while she would still expect to be treated as miss independent.

Take for instance,an average nigerian wife who is holding up a job of her own and has a husband who has an amazing job dt brings in most of the revenue. When it comes down to it,said woman would naturally relish taking the husband's new ryd to work jst to show off a bit to her co-workers. Said woman would on the average want to spend less for d family cs she thinks to herself 'he makes more than I do so he should be able to foot more than half of the bills...afterall,he is the man of the house'. And it is this mentality dt creates a whole lot of wahala for use women... We say we wanna be independent,yet we bring trouble on ourselves.

A lady who enjoys a guy buying her flowers,taking her to dinner,showering her with wonderful gifts also expects her man to take out the trash,check to see if a burglar's broken into d apartment if she hears a noise downstairs,take care of d cars,mowing the lawn. . .yhu get the drift...

Such a woman should nt be disappointed when the man expects her to clean for him,wash his dirt,cook for him,please him and generally make him happy. She has not right to say she's empowered and independent because she should be able to take what she is dishing out.

Something I have realized is that whyl it may take a long time for men to mature into their own and make smthn ryt for them, it takes women a shorter time and its like all females go through phases...we all want one thing and also want everything.

Once men get some things once, it sticks wt em buh wt women... We set too much principles around ourselves and we usually over assume wt we want and wn it doesn't happen, we gt saucy and defensive

Don't get me wrong, am not sayin the men folk are the smartest...truth be told,some of em really are goof balls and low-lives buh d point is,

An independent woman is not totally independent until she makes herself believe that she can survive without the opposite sex!

Ve a good day
signed: t33n trYiN tO taK3 on her WorLd

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

''tHe OuTHer CirCl3''

How we are seen by other people is way different from the way we see ourselves. Take for instance,two people to u make make absolute no sense buh to each other...those two can never be separated as friends.

I was watching an episode of House the other day and it was about d diagnosis of a woman who is so up to date on ha blog as in ha whole life is on it...much to d annoyance of ha boyfriend. As I was watching d episode,i found myself being vexed on behalf of d guy cs evn wn d doctors told ha she was dying n needed a heart valve which cud either be pig or plastic,she decided to turn to ha blog! Imagine how vexed I was. Buh I noticed d guy was only mad for a bit because he already accepted her as who she was. Eventually,the babe was saved,she and ha partner still loved each oda,she stil posted it on ha blog and she went for d pig

My point is while I was almost angry that she would tell every single detail about her life on a blog rather than tell her partner, and me being annoyed at d partner for not making ha stop her bad habit, I realize that my opinion is just by the side. The boyfriend has accepted her,hook line and baggage and still loves her for it,no matter her choice in revealing their domestic turmoils.

We only find console in the fact that we love and we are loved in return. People may not accept how we handle our relationships wt our family,our friends our neighbours and so on buh one thing we'll realise is that whatever their opinion is, its in d outer circle. . .
Goodnyt. Mwaaahs